Amy Zhou
Office Hours
Amy Zhou is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Barnard College. Her research and teaching interests include healthcare, inequality, race/ethnicity, development, and science and technology studies. Professor Zhou's research has examined health inequalities in both the US and global setting. One line of research explores the impact of global health policies. Her current book project examines how global health efforts to address the HIV epidemic reconfigures local healthcare institutions and has unintended consequences for policymaking, healthcare practices, and the lives of providers and patients in Malawi. Another line of research looks at racial health inequalities in the US, focusing on the meaning of race in delivering racially targeted health services. Recently, she has started a new project that examines the social and ethical implications of gene drive technologies. Professor Zhou received her BA and PhD in Sociology from UCLA as well as postdoctoral training at the UCSD Institute for Practical Ethics.